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What the Options Market Thinks About Earnings
September 09, 2020
Technical analysis

What the Options Market Thinks About Earnings

Steve Sosnick

Use Your Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation to See What the Options Market Thinks About Earnings Expectations During earnings season, investors become justifiably concerned with analysts’ expectations for a company’s earnings and revenues. While analysts’ estimates provide an important framework for decision-making...

4 years ago
Selling your securities by writing covered call options
August 24, 2020

Selling your securities by writing covered call options

Martin Noël

Let us say you are willing to sell some securities in your portfolio, or you are considering it. Adopting the covered call writing strategy is like getting paid for making a commitment to sell the securities. This is the second in a series of four articles on covered call writing. It discusses how to use this strategy as an...

4 years ago
Writing covered call options: an introduction
August 17, 2020

Writing covered call options: an introduction

Martin Noël

Perhaps you would like to start using options, but you do not know which strategy to implement. The simplest and most popular strategy among individual and institutional investors is covered call writing. This article is the first in a series of four articles on covered call writing. It covers the basic features of this...

4 years ago
Using USX options to hedge U.S. dollar risk
August 11, 2020

Using USX options to hedge U.S. dollar risk

Martin Noël

With interest rates at historic lows, it is unlikely that the Bank of Canada will decide to raise the policy rate anytime soon. But we live in a world that is full of surprises, and things can change quickly. Events with the most unexpected repercussions can and do occur (the current pandemic comes to mind). Who really knows...

4 years ago
Stock Repair Strategy Using Options
July 30, 2020
Bearish Outlook

Stock Repair Strategy Using Options

Patrick Ceresna

The coronavirus crisis seemed to come out of nowhere. It caught retail and professional investors off guard equally. Almost overnight many stocks fell by more than 25%, and although some have managed to recoup their losses over the past few months, many have not. What is an investor to do in such an environment? One could...

4 years ago
Harvesting Premium By Shorting Out-of-the-money Calls
July 30, 2020
Bearish Outlook

Harvesting Premium By Shorting Out-of-the-money Calls

Patrick Ceresna

Have you ever been in the fortunate position of holding a stock that had rallied a long way, but you were concerned it had gone too far too fast, yet you did not want to sell your position? Or, have you ever thought that the market would go sideways for a while, and you did not expect your stocks to rally? Maybe you have seen...

4 years ago
A Twist on Risk Reversals
July 10, 2020
Bullish Outlook

A Twist on Risk Reversals

Patrick Ceresna

The past few months have been challenging for investors. During the first month of the coronavirus crisis, the stock market fell from record highs with unprecedented speed. Meanwhile, the subsequent rally has been just as befuddling to many. Canada’s most liquid stock index ETF, the XIU, plunged from $27 to $17 (a loss of...

4 years ago
Using options in times of market uncertainty
July 07, 2020
Bearish Outlook

Using options in times of market uncertainty

Martin Noël

In times of market uncertainty like we are seeing now, many investors turn to options for the protection they can provide. Although the markets have recouped a good portion of their losses of the past few months, we cannot rule out another plunge that could test the depths of the recent decline. The high volatility in today’s...

4 years ago

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