Just as a follow up to our block trade on Canada Goose Holdings Inc (GOOS) from November 14, 2019, the January 17, 2020 $46 strike call options have expired worthless, since the stock traded out-of-the money at market close. Effectively, we have captured the full option premium of $4.31/share and our cost is now reduced to...
For almost 20 years, our team at CIBC Private Wealth has used defensive option strategies including Covered Calls, Selling Covered Puts and Collars to manage client portfolios. Our objective is to generate income from option premium in addition to dividends paid on stocks. Our primary focus is on wealth preservation. A Covered...
Avin Mehra is a Vice President and Portfolio Manager at CIBC Private Wealth and principal of Mehra Wealth Management. He has over 45 years of experience in the financial services sector. Before CIBC, he worked in several mid-level and senior positions with Indian and overseas banks in five different countries, before joining Merrill Lynch in May 2000 and transitioning to CIBC Wood Gundy in the year 2001. Avin manages accounts on a discretionary basis using defensive option strategies (namely covered call writing, selling cash covered puts, and collars). Capital preservation is of paramount importance and the team educates investors on how to protect the portfolio downside while generating a stable income stream from their investments. Mehra Wealth Management practice is fee-based, where clients pay a fixed percentage fee, but have access to unlimited trades in North American equities and options with zero trading cost. The team actively hosts monthly seminars on a diverse range of financial topics including Options Strategies, Taxation, Retirement Planning, Wills and Estate Planning, North American Stock Markets etc. Avin has been actively involved with the Montreal Exchange in educating Retail Investors and Portfolio Managers on using options as defensive tools. Avin won the 2019 Award for Best Active Manager in Exchange Traded Derivatives sponsored by the TMX Group, at the Wealth Professional Annual Gala. Avin was also part of the All Stars of Option Trading stream at the Annual Toronto MoneyShow on September 21, 2019. He presented on Covered Calls and Other Defensive option strategies.
Avin is supported by his son, Ankit Mehra, a CFA Charterholder and Associate Investment Advisor. Ankit is enrolled in the accelerated MBA program (part-time) at the Schulich School of Business. Ankit assists his team with stock selection, research. portfolio rebalancing, team branding and options trading. For more information about the team, visit www.mehra.ca.
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