Trading Weekly Options on Canada Goose Holdings Inc (GOOS.TO)
January 28, 2020
Neutral Outlook

Trading Weekly Options on Canada Goose Holdings Inc (GOOS.TO)

Just as a follow up to our block trade on Canada Goose Holdings Inc (GOOS) from November 14, 2019,  the January 17, 2020 $46 strike call options have expired worthless, since the stock traded out-of-the money at market close. Effectively, we have captured the full option premium of $4.31/share and our cost is now reduced to...

4 years ago
Covered Call Block Trade on Canada Goose Holdings Inc (GOOS.TO)
November 14, 2019

Covered Call Block Trade on Canada Goose Holdings Inc (GOOS.TO)

For almost 20 years, our team at CIBC Private Wealth has used defensive option strategies including Covered Calls, Selling Covered Puts and Collars to manage client portfolios. Our objective is to generate income from option premium in addition to dividends paid on stocks. Our primary focus is on wealth preservation. A Covered...

5 years ago
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