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Pairing Option Strategies with Forecasts
August 25, 2016
Bearish Outlook

Pairing Option Strategies with Forecasts

Alan Grigoletto

At the present time, the S&P/TSX Composite is sitting roughly halfway between its 52-week high and low points. Whether your current forecast is glass half empty or glass half full, there are two simple option strategies that Canadian investors can employ for either forecast. The bull call spread, also called a long-call...

8 years ago
Covered Calls versus Naked Puts
August 15, 2016
Trading Idea

Covered Calls versus Naked Puts

Richard Croft

Covered call writing is a low risk option strategy. If the underlying rises above the strike price the calls are assigned, you deliver the shares and exit with the best case scenario. Covered calls make money in a rising or flat market and because the premium received reduces the cost of the underlying shares, is less risky...

8 years ago
When to Exercise Call Options to Collect the Dividend
August 10, 2016

When to Exercise Call Options to Collect the Dividend

Alan Grigoletto

Before examining the considerations, we first need to understand the mechanics of call options and the dividend process. Dividends are payments by a company to shareholders of record. These payments may be regular, predictable, variable or even one-time events. Some industries, like tanker or mining companies, pay highly...

8 years ago
The Divergence in Oil and Oil Stocks
August 08, 2016
Bullish Outlook

The Divergence in Oil and Oil Stocks

Patrick Ceresna

Something weird is happening in the energy markets… Oil and gas stocks seemed to stop caring what oil is doing. The divergences are staggering. What do I mean? Back in May, when crude oil was at its $50+ peak level, there was jubilee amongst investors. It has become consensus that oil has not only bottomed but is discovering...

8 years ago
Writing Calls Against ETFs
August 08, 2016
Index Options

Writing Calls Against ETFs

Richard Croft

When most investors think about selling covered calls, they think in terms of writing calls against individual stocks. Less often we think about writing covered calls against exchange traded funds (ETFs). Too bad really, because there are some interesting opportunities in that market space. Trading ETFs reduces the impact of...

8 years ago
The Covered Strangle is both an Income and Investment Strategy
July 29, 2016

The Covered Strangle is both an Income and Investment Strategy

Alan Grigoletto

Canadian investors seeking an index or single stock option strategy may want to consider the covered strangle. It can be employed to enhance yield and provide a strategic means to both add to and exit existing positions. Like any options strategy there are trade-offs, and the covered strangle does pose some risk.   The...

8 years ago
CANADA – Recession Worries!
July 27, 2016
Trading Idea

CANADA – Recession Worries!

Richard Croft

Probably the most noteworthy event in the first half of 2015 was the surprise rate cut issued by the Bank of Canada (BoC) in the first quarter. It was designed to provide “insurance against a downturn” in light of the sharp decline in oil prices. The BoC was right to be concerned. Unfortunately policymakers underestimated...

8 years ago
Capitalizing on a Valeant Effort in a Mundane Market
July 16, 2016
Bullish Outlook

Capitalizing on a Valeant Effort in a Mundane Market

Jason Ayres

I apologize for the title but I couldn’t resist. Valeant Pharmaceuticals International (TSE:VRX) continues to defy broader market complacency. The diversified pharmaceutical company has barely wavered in its price advance since August of 2014. While this trend may be getting a little long in the tooth, the question is whether...

8 years ago

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