
World’s First Option on Bitcoin ETF

Montréal Exchange
February 22, 2021
2 minutes read
World’s First Option on Bitcoin ETF

Canada is the first country in the world to bring ETFs to investors. Once again, Canada has proven itself to be an innovator in capital markets by introducing to the world the first physically settled Bitcoin ETF, through Purpose Investments ETF (symbol ticker: BTCC.B/BTCC.U) as well as the world’s first options on bitcoin ETF. 

Investors can now access diversification and growth potential via an ETF with no need of a digital wallet and no fear of losing their private key. 

Similar to other stock option strategies, this option provides investors with the same benefits and advantages. Directional views on bitcoin can now be taken with a predefined risk setup by using options on the Montréal Exchange. The options on Purpose Investments’ Bitcoin ETF give the buyer of a call (put) the right to buy (sell) 100 BTCC.B units at the strike price before the option expires*.

Both Purpose Investments’ Bitcoin ETF and options on the Bitcoin ETF are accessible to investors through their trading account and are registered accounts eligible (TFSA/RRSP).

Investors can now leverage the benefits of options to manage their cryptocurrency risk with BTCC.B options.

Where can I learn more about BTCC ETFs? Visit Purpose Investments’ website here.

*Please note that the option exercises and assignments will settle on T+1.



The strategies presented in this blog are for information and training purposes only, and should not be interpreted as recommendations to buy or sell any security. As always, you should ensure that you are comfortable with the proposed scenarios and ready to assume all the risks before implementing an option strategy.

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