
Stock Repair Strategy Using Options
July 30, 2020
Bearish Outlook

Stock Repair Strategy Using Options

Patrick Ceresna

The coronavirus crisis seemed to come out of nowhere. It caught retail and professional investors off guard equally. Almost overnight many stocks fell by more than 25%, and although some have managed to recoup their losses over the past few months, many have not. What is an investor to do in such an environment? One could...

4 years ago
Harvesting Premium By Shorting Out-of-the-money Calls
July 30, 2020
Bearish Outlook

Harvesting Premium By Shorting Out-of-the-money Calls

Patrick Ceresna

Have you ever been in the fortunate position of holding a stock that had rallied a long way, but you were concerned it had gone too far too fast, yet you did not want to sell your position? Or, have you ever thought that the market would go sideways for a while, and you did not expect your stocks to rally? Maybe you have seen...

4 years ago
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