
Year-End Opportunity in Cannabis Stocks?
January 07, 2020
Bullish Outlook

Year-End Opportunity in Cannabis Stocks?

Patrick Ceresna

Through 2018 and into the first quarter of 2019, Canadian marijuana companies represented one of the hottest sectors in the equities market.  However, since its March 19, 2019 high of $23.87, the Horizons Marijuana Life Science ETF (HMMJ) has been on a steady decline, and by November 19, 2019 it was down to $8.34, having lost...

5 years ago
Understanding Credit Spreads and How They Differ from Debit Spreads
March 16, 2018

Understanding Credit Spreads and How They Differ from Debit Spreads

Alan Grigoletto

In a previous posting, “Bull Call and Bear Put Spreads, Pairing Option Strategies with Forecasts” we learned how to implement a debit spread for both calls and puts. This week we will examine another form of vertical spreads: credit spreads and how they can be used. Recall that debit spreads are a limited risk transaction,...

6 years ago
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