Buying Options: Single-Leg vs. Vertical Spreads
September 03, 2021

Buying Options: Single-Leg vs. Vertical Spreads

When buying options, you have several choices. How do you know which strategies to trade? A good starting point is to know the difference between buying single options and vertical spreads. Takeaways Learn the benefits of buying single options and vertical spreads Understand which scenarios might offer more advantages for...

3 years ago
Real-time Quotes are Now Offered on the Montreal Exchange Website
August 09, 2021

Real-time Quotes are Now Offered on the Montreal Exchange Website

This feature allows you to make informed decisions using up-to-date bid/ask prices on Canadian options and futures contracts. Another feature of the website is that you can easily filter any option chain by column header. This allows you to sort the information in ascending or descending order (i.e.: if you want to find out...

3 years ago
How Options React to a Stock Split
July 22, 2021

How Options React to a Stock Split

Companies decide to split their stock when the price has run up and the stock has become too expensive for retail investors. Once a stock splits, nothing fundamental has changed, and the shares should not be worth any more or less than before. The same logic holds true for the underlying option contracts. What Is a Stock Split?...

3 years ago
Volatility Crush: A Misunderstood Term
June 23, 2021

Volatility Crush: A Misunderstood Term

Volatility crush is among the more common but poorly understood terms used by new options investors. They mostly place irrational bets on options ahead of earnings because they do not fully understand what they are doing. These investors will take a look at a high-priced stock that is set to report earnings in the near-term and...

3 years ago
Not So Foreign: Unpacking the Currency Market and USX Options Strategies
June 15, 2021
Currency Options

Not So Foreign: Unpacking the Currency Market and USX Options Strategies

If you have already traded options on equities but are now looking for a new asset class, you might be wondering if it is possible to blend exposure to interest rates, commodities, cryptocurrencies, geopolitics, and the global economy.  In fact, you have just described the foreign exchange (FX) market and, in particular,...

3 years ago
Earnings And Options: A Risky But Lucrative Relationship
May 25, 2021

Earnings And Options: A Risky But Lucrative Relationship

North American companies listed on a stock exchange report their earnings results every quarter. Options investors view this event as an opportunity to reap large returns if a stock moves dramatically in one direction or another. Earnings Move Stocks Companies must release information on their earnings to investors on a regular...

3 years ago
Why You Want to Exercise Your Option Before Expiration
April 19, 2021

Why You Want to Exercise Your Option Before Expiration

Buying an option gives you the right (but not the obligation) to buy and or sell the underlying security. There are a few reasons why an investor would choose to take advantage of exercising his or her options, although it is rarely in the investor’s best interests to do so. Why Not to Sell Your Option There are valid...

3 years ago
Get the facts on Bitcoin ETFs and Options
March 30, 2021

Get the facts on Bitcoin ETFs and Options

Cut through the noise and the buzz around Bitcoin! Join Graham Mackenzie, Head of Exchange Traded Products, TSX, Greg Taylor, CIO, Purpose Investments and Richard Ho, Head of Retail, Equity Derivatives, TMX as they discuss the facts on Bitcoin ETFs and Options. Click here to view the webinar or click on the link...

3 years ago
Options Strategies for Your RRSP and TFSA
February 25, 2021

Options Strategies for Your RRSP and TFSA

One of the biggest misconceptions about the Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) and Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) is that they can only include cash, stocks, bonds, and other simple assets. But in reality, these savings accounts can hold a wide variety of asset classes, including options. Options Strategy in an RRSP for...

3 years ago
World’s First Option on Bitcoin ETF
February 22, 2021

World’s First Option on Bitcoin ETF

Canada is the first country in the world to bring ETFs to investors. Once again, Canada has proven itself to be an innovator in capital markets by introducing to the world the first physically settled Bitcoin ETF, through Purpose Investments ETF (symbol ticker: BTCC.B/BTCC.U) as well as the world’s first options on bitcoin...

3 years ago
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