Three mistakes to avoid when trading options
September 30, 2022

Three mistakes to avoid when trading options

Option investors of all shapes and sizes, from billionaire hedge fund managers to new investors managing $500, make mistakes. To suggest that it is possible to avoid errors when investing is simply foolish. But what is true is that these investors can take steps to understand how to avoid careless mistakes which minimizes the...

2 years ago
Should you buy a put option or a call option?
September 29, 2022

Should you buy a put option or a call option?

When determining whether to buy a put or call option, investors owe it to themselves to study and develop their own individual investment strategy, particularly with respect to the options market, which might appear more complex when compared to buying shares. Learn more about buying put options and call...

2 years ago
Risk and Money Management in Trading
July 28, 2022

Risk and Money Management in Trading

There is always a level of risk when investing in securities, whether it be options, fixed income or forex. The risk associated to each asset class depends on the characteristics of the asset itself and how it is affected by the factors that relate to it. For example, fixed income is generally deemed a very safe asset class...

2 years ago
Why options should be considered for investing in Bitcoin
April 05, 2022
Trading Idea

Why options should be considered for investing in Bitcoin

Many cryptocurrency investors have bought Bitcoin and other altcoins under the assumption it will be held in their portfolio for many decades. The assumption for these “hodlers” is that the future of financial transactions will see Bay Street and Wall Street banks replaced with decentralized systems. For other investors,...

2 years ago
Why and how to use an Options Calculator
April 04, 2022

Why and how to use an Options Calculator

The Montreal Exchange (MX) offers users an online tool to help understand and calculate the theoretical value of options. Known as the Montreal Exchange option calculator, users can take advantage of a free offering to better understand potential investment returns and risk management decisions. Montreal Exchange option...

2 years ago
Options as part of an RRSP/TFSA strategy
February 01, 2022

Options as part of an RRSP/TFSA strategy

Canadians over the age of 18 can take advantage of multiple investment and saving plans to secure their financial freedom. Two of the more popular saving plans include the Tax Free Savings Account (TSFA) and Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP). Both the TSFA and RRSP offer unique advantages that encourage individuals to...

2 years ago
How Options Can Play a Role in Your Investment Strategy
January 10, 2022
Trading Idea

How Options Can Play a Role in Your Investment Strategy

Options are an underutilized investment tool that is overlooked because they seem complicated and are perceived to be for the exclusive use of professional traders. But once they are properly understood, the average investor may come to realize how options can play a role in their investment strategies. Options Recap An option...

3 years ago
Top 5 most-read articles of 2021
December 06, 2021

Top 5 most-read articles of 2021

Looking for the best Options articles to read? Below are what most of our readers consider to be the most popular articles of 2021: World’s First Option on Bitcoin ETF Montréal Exchange Canada is the first country in the world to bring ETFs to investors. Once again, Canada has proven itself to be an innovator in capital...

3 years ago
Market Volatility and Options 101
October 04, 2021

Market Volatility and Options 101

Volatility can strike a stock market with no advance warning, and the average investor might not know how to react. Fortunately, all it takes is some basic knowledge of options to understand how this valuable investment tool can be used to ride through a volatile period. Potential Sources of Volatility  Factors that could...

3 years ago
Selling Options: Single-Leg vs. Vertical Spreads
September 07, 2021

Selling Options: Single-Leg vs. Vertical Spreads

When you sell options, you can collect premiums. But you might be better off selling spreads, just in case the market does not move in your favour. Takeaways: Understand the difference between selling single options and selling vertical spreads Know the risks and benefits of selling single options and selling vertical spreads...

3 years ago
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